Thank you to everyone who follows along with me here. I appreciate you! In 2022, I began praying for each of you as you leave comments or react to my posts. That one thing has filled me with so much gratitude for you. I know your names. I see your faces, and I trust that God is mighty in you. You are important to me.
That's why I want you to know that this year, I'm shifting my focus just a bit. I've been using my writing as a means to coach you in your faith and share the JOY that can be found in hard and unexpected things. That will all continue. The shift will be in my focus on the coaching side of things.
I recently completed certification as a coach with Go + Tell Gals. It was one of the most rewarding and empowering things I've ever done. I can't wait to share more about it with you in the days to come.
If you're wondering WHY this "suddenly" seemed like a good idea to me, I understand. I haven't ever written or spoken specifically about coaching. It was just a tool in my toolbelt, along with proper grammar and my love for Jesus. But I was trained as a life coach in grad school, waaaay back in 2003-2004. My master's degree is in Practical Theology with a concentration in Transformational Leadership Coaching. I don't always put that whole thing in my bio because who even knows what that means? I typically just write "leadership" to keep it simple.
Transformational Leadership Coaching is a leadership coaching program (whose name has now changed) that taught me how to listen to you without an agenda. It trained me to believe in the potential and calling of anyone who was willing to share their dreams with me, to disentangle my own sense of self-worth from what you might be saying, and to cheer you on as your biggest fan. It taught me to refuse to manipulate others, but to draw out of each person what the Lord has laid on your heart to do. The certification part of TLC was a big investment, and I didn't plan to start a coaching business, so I didn't pursue that aspect of it.
I haven't always used those skills perfectly, but they became a big part of who I am. They informed my writing, speaking, and one-on-one ministry opportunities. When I look back, I see that I've been coaching for 17 years.
In 2021, I invested in getting myself a coach. I went through a program with Go + Tell Gals that seeks to empower women who are called to ministry to "go and tell" the world about Jesus with confidence. I loved every bit of that program, and it truly transformed my heart and mind. After that, I stood back and watched the ministry closely.
I read several of founder Jess Connolly's books and was further encouraged. She did a one-day coaching event in September, calling for women who felt like their motivation took a hit after the chaos of the pandemic, to recover together. I knew I needed to be there. It was another big investment for me in receiving coaching, but I was not disappointed.
When I heard that Go + Tell Gals was training and certifying coaches to go out and share this message with others, I felt a strong draw to it. It was a huge investment, but I was so excited! Every step of this certification process has confirmed to me that it was a good decision. I can't wait to share what I learned with you.
I've started one-on-one and team coaching as a business, and I've updated my website and social media to include that part of things. I'll also keep sharing on my blog what I'm learning and ideas to help you grow in your faith. I hope you'll stick around and continue to let me know any way that I can serve you through this ministry. Thanks for sticking with me here.
2 Timothy 2:1-2, "Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others."