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Writer's pictureKimberly Wyse

Portals vs. Open Doors: Discovering the Spiritual Connection in Revelation

Did you know that people who practice witchcraft can open “portals” into the spirit realm and get things they want? I went down a rabbit hole this week, listening to podcasts about former witches who became Christians. If you want to hear some wild things, forget crime dramas. This stuff is shocking and creepy. I listened to more than one because I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, so I was curious to find out if others had similar stories.


I noticed how they kept talking about opening portals into the spirit world. That led me to wonder, what do “portals into the spirit world” have to do with the “open doors” I’ve been reading about in the book of Revelation?


My church is doing a Revelation Bible study right now. We’re studying it to learn what it means for us today, not to figure out what mysteries the future might hold. We’re learning to listen to what others discern through it. I love it, even if the homework can be difficult.


One of the homework questions in week one initially irritated me. After reading the letters to the seven churches, it asked: “If you were looking for a church in Asia Minor, which of the seven churches would you be more likely to join?”


I thought, duh, the one closest to me. They didn’t have cars back then. Because I’m a good little student though, I went back through all the church descriptions and made a choice. There are only two “good” churches – Smyrna and Philadelphia. Smyrna is about to be persecuted and they’re poor. Philadelphia will be spared “the hour of testing that comes upon the whole world.” So, I’m going with Philly, thanks.


There’s more to this story, though. Here’s what Revelation 3:8-11 (CSB) says about Philadelphia…


I know your works. Look, I have placed before you an open door that no one can close because you have but little power; yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you. Because you have kept my command to endure, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is going to come on the whole world to test those who live on the earth. I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one takes your crown.

When I read the words, “because you have but little power, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name…” something inside me cracked a little. No amount of practicing spiritual disciplines or submitting to God’s will has given me the spiritual strength I’ve asked for to see some particular friends stop suffering from terrible sickness. Although God has given me some spiritual gifts, I want the gift of healing because I feel so powerless when I see their suffering.


Still, I keep praying, believing for supernatural healing. I keep serving the Lord and doing the things I know to do. One day God’s perfect timing will bring the answers we need, but today I feel like I have little power. Philadelphia is a church I can relate to.


As I meditate on this passage in Revelation, I can’t help but wonder what “the open door no one can shut” is. God promises it before He even mentions how little power they have. My flesh wants to think an open door means worldly success. But the people this letter is written to are about to learn of stars falling from heaven, blood, fire, and destruction, including people who want to die but can’t die (zombies?). In a world like that, does a job promotion really matter that much? There’s another open door in Revelation 4:1, which God calls John to walk through into His throne room. Could that have something to do with it?


I’ve been thinking about it for weeks, and then I stumbled upon those interviews with former witches (occult) who’ve become Christians. They talk about opening portals to the spirit world. They would offer sacrifices or do spells to get what they wanted, and it worked. They got what they wanted, but no matter how much they were able to “manifest their desires,” they were miserable. They had everything, but it didn’t satisfy. (I’m linking one of the interviews here for anyone who’d like to hear more. This content is not for children.)


For every gift of God, Satan has a counterfeit. He offers worldly power and success for those who will give themselves over to him, but it always leaves them wanting more. The Holy Spirit is the only spirit that ever truly satisfies. Once you’ve experienced HIS peace, any other peace a person might find (like yoga or magic or drugs) is a pale imitation.


I’ve been doing a bunch of research and praying it through. Are Satan’s portals the counterfeit for God’s open doors?


If the Holy Spirit gives the church “an open door that no one can shut,” might it be the ability to fellowship freely with Jesus? An open door into an intimate friendship with our Savior? That would line up with the open door into God’s throne room in Revelation 4:1.


In the Spring of 2023, I spent some time in prayer and fasting, abiding with God in silence. It was a painful thing for me to be still and do absolutely nothing – not even pray. God instructed me to be quiet and take notice of the world around me. It took a while for my mind and body to relax, but after the twitching subsided, the presence of Jesus became tangible.


It was so real, I could use my sanctified imagination to see Him sitting beside me, hear Him talking to me. The things He said were hard to hear, but full of blessing, and nothing I would’ve ever come up with myself. That day began a different kind of relationship that has never ended. Any time I want to talk with Jesus, I can imagine Him right beside me, hear His voice, sense His presence.


Scripture says Jesus will never leave or forsake us. He lives in the hearts of those who receive Him, and He’s always been with me. But that day, a door opened in the Spirit to allow me to sense His presence in a way I’d only glimpsed before.


If Satan can give humans the ability to open portals into the demonic, surely God can open doors into the heavenly realm of the Holy Spirit so we can fellowship freely with Jesus.


God says at least seven times in Revelation 2-3, “I know you… (your works, your suffering, your home)”. If He gives the church an open door, it’s reasonable to conclude He’s giving us a way to know Him, too.


If you also feel like you have little power in the Spirit, but you persist in your faith and actions anyway, God sees you. He knows your works. Ask Him to open a door into the throne room for you to walk through so you can experience a fresh revelation of His presence and power in your life. Isn’t that the ultimate power, anyway?


If you can sit in the presence of your Savior and talk to Him freely, that’s the ultimate place of peace and fulfillment.

Open door sunny day
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In all transparency, I got really discouraged a while back when my prayers for healing weren’t answered like I believed God said they were. I began to wonder if I was going a little crazy, imagining Jesus sitting beside me and talking with me. Who did I think I was? Maybe I had a brain tumor or something. So, I stopped walking through that open door regularly.


My eyes fill with tears as I write these words. I allowed Satan and his old tricks to keep me from the peace and fellowship with Christ that comes with that open door because I wasn’t spiritually mature enough to understand God’s plan.


What I wanted was good, but He must have a really good reason for not answering those prayers yet. I don’t understand it, and He hasn’t shared His purpose with me, so I began to doubt myself. Not Him. I believe He’s real and fully capable of doing anything He wants to do, but it’s definitely possible I got it wrong.


There’s nothing better than that place of intimate fellowship with Him, though. Satan hates it and wants nothing more than to destroy it and destroy all followers of Jesus. Whether we always get what we want or not, walking hand-and-hand with Jesus is the most beautiful place to be. Don’t let anything keep you from getting to know Jesus more. He IS peace that passes understanding.


If you feel you might be under a spiritual attack today, start singing praise to God. Praise confuses Satan and he can’t do anything to you when you praise the Lord. Cry out to the Lord to protect you, and ask Him to show you what you need to do next.


Kimberly Wyse



P.S. If you're having trouble hearing God's voice, I can help. Set up a Spiritual Direction coaching session (in person, Zoom, or phone call) and I'll walk you through anything that could be blocking you. I have over 20 years of experience helping people in this way, and it works!

This video is THREE HOURS long, but I watched the whole thing because I just had to learn about what happened with the snake he said lived inside him for years. It was worth it. This video is not intended for children.

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