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This is for the gal whose dreams seem so far out of reach that she can't figure out how they'll ever happen. Blessing feels far away.

When you have a big dream that seems totally out of reach, look around at what you do have. Offer that to God, no matter how small or insignificant it seems. God can take your little offering and multiply it into a great blessing. God sees your heart and cherishes you.

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. -2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (To read more about it, click here.)

He delights in blessing you.

I once saved what little I had for an entire year and wound up with $40.22. It was a depressing amount, but I prayed over it every time I added to it. I was committed to financial responsibility and I didn't have money for non-necessities. So, I saved my change. I didn't use a lot of cash, so it wasn't much. Every time I added to my little stash, I begged God to multiply it into a blessing.

God answered my prayers. It wasn't immediate, and it certainly wasn't the way I expected, but He provided as only He can.

I've been blogging now for 14 years. I wrote about my $40.22 back in January, 2011. Today, as I look around my beautiful home, full of non-necessities, full of children and a husband who loves me, I'm struck by how comfortable God has allowed me to be. In fact, I've recently realized that I've become too comfortable and need to reign it in. God has been challenging me that He didn't bless me just so I could have everything my heart desires. What a different place to be!

For me these days, committing what I have to the Lord means taking stock of what's necessary and what's too much. It means using the gifts He's given me in total obedience, holding nothing back. That means writing no-holds-barred emails once a week to my subscriber list and posting on this blog regularly. I trust the results to Him.

Sometimes it can seem like I'm wasting my time and all I have to show for it is basically $40.22. (Or less, because this website actually costs me money.) But God has called me to be a writer and so I offer the little I have to Him now, knowing He'll turn it into more of a blessing than I could ever imagine. Likely, His blessing will look nothing like what I imagine He'll do because that's just how He is.

Whatever you are hoping for, dreaming of, and seeing as impossible – do what you can and offer it to the Lord in prayer. He has this funny way of making a way for people to pass through the middle of a sea on dry ground. See? Blessing!

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Based out of northwest Ohio, USA

© 2020 Kimberly Wyse. Website created by  Marketing Redeemed, LLC.

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