I am on vacation this week with my family in the Smokey Mountains. We love to come here in the spring. It's a reasonable drive, but a totally different view than home. We can rent a little cabin and spend a lot of time outdoors, and if it rains, there are tons of things to do in town.
I've been producing a lot of content since school started back in the fall, and I'm taking this week off to spend time with the Lord and not worry about production. I can tend to get off-balance in that way. Doing things for the Lord, rather than just being with Him. I've still been doing my Bible study and prayer, but that deeper connection takes some time to really soak. The soaking has been lacking.
So, my most loving and thought-provoking idea for you today is to take vacations. Stop producing for long enough to catch your breath and remember what it's like just to BE. Spend time abiding with Christ and let the overflow of that relationship impact who you are as a parent.
A mommy and daddy who are full of God's Spirit are going to parent better. Period.